About the Alliance

David Rasmussen, PsyD FIPA

David RasmussenDavid Rasmussen PsyD, FIPA, is a Psychoanalyst and Licensed Psychologist, having trained at the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Seattle, where he is a member of the faculty and a past Director of Training at the Institute.  He is in private practice in Mill Creek, Washington.

Available In-Service Topics

Gathering the Transference

It can be easy to get caught up in the presenting problems a new client is describing or in thinking about what to say. Noting how it feels to be in the room with a new client can move the work forward.

Linking Disconnections: Thoughts Without Thinking, Thoughts without Action, Action without Thinking

Sometimes clients come for help and then reject the help given. What do you do if clients don’t hear what you say? Some may have patterns of acting impulsively, others may be stuck in obsessive “thinking” which isn’t really thinking. Discussion will focus on whatever kind of impasse or barrier the group is interested in overcoming with their clients.

Mourning Versus Melancholy

Mourning is a state of grieving. By contrast, melancholy can paralyze a person in their attempts to hold onto the lost loved one as if they aren’t gone. David will help clinicians help their clients face the reality of loss.

David is available for clinical consultation.