Members Connect Event

Hike in Discovery Park

Hike in Discovery Park with your colleagues.

Let’s welcome the first signs of spring and continue our time outside taking in the natural PACNW beauty with colleagues on a monthly Sunday hike in Discovery Park. The series schedule is as follows:

March 17th at 1:00 PM

April 14th at 9:30 AM

May 19th at 9:30 AM

Members Connect Online Social Hour

The Alliance's Members Connect team is excited to host an online Social Hour! Join us online to meet and get to know other members of the Alliance over coffee, tea, dinner, snacks, and casual conversation. Details for joining the meetup will be provided via email, so make sure to RSVP to Erin ahead of time. Attendance is limited to 8 Alliance Members per Social Hour at this time.

Members Connect: Coffee Hour! (online)

The Alliance's Members Connect team is excited to host an online Coffee Hour! Join us online to meet and get to know other members of the Alliance over coffee, tea, and casual conversation. Details for joining the meetup will be provided via email, so make sure to RSVP to Ben ahead of time. Attendance is limited to 8 Alliance Members, per Coffee Hour, at this time.

Members Connect Coffee Hour! - Postponed

Based on the information provided by the CDC and guidelines put forth by the King County Public Health Department, we have postponed the Members Connect Coffee Hour. Please check back for updates.

The Alliance Members Connect team is excited to host Coffee Hour! Come and get to know other members of the Alliance over coffee, tea, and casual conversation. Food and beverages available for purchase from Fremont Coffee Company. This event is open to Alliance members only.